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Camping Advice You Must Know Before Going

Can you sleep in a tent in the winter?

It is hard to dispute the immense enjoyment people from so many walks of life derive from camping. To truly maximize your next camping adventure, you will need to possess a good number of valuable tricks and tips. The article that follows is chock full of useful information sure to help make your time in the great outdoors a huge success.

One of the most important parts of your camping gear is your tent. The tent you buy should suit your needs and the size of your camping party. If you have young children, you probably want to purchase a large tent so they can sleep in the same tent with you. If your children are old, buy them their own tent so they don't have to bunk with the adults.

When you decide to go camping you want to make sure that you bring a flashlight with some batteries. You want to be able to see in the middle of the night just in case you have to get up and go to the bathroom, or just to move around.

Chances are, your family and your belongings are going to end up getting dirty. If you are prepared for that before you go, it will cause less stress when it happens. Have fun and go with the moment rather than stressing and worrying about it. You can always clean up, and be "normal" when you return home.

Introduce yourselves to other families camping in your immediate area, as a means of being social and more apt to help each other out. If another crew arrives after you've set up, offer to help with their tent or equipment. If something goes awry during the trip for anyone, it's much easier to ask for help from somebody who was courteous enough to introduce themselves.

Before you start out on that relaxing camping trip, it is essential for your safety to make sure to let someone know you are going. Give a friend or neighbor the name of the campsite if you are using one. If you are headed out on a less structured trip, give your contact a general idea of where you are headed and a timeline for your return. If something goes wrong, there will be someone to know where to look for you.

Any time you go camping, do not forget to bring a first-aid kit along with you. Since accidents can happen at any time, a first-aid kit is a very valuable asset to possess. Be sure to include topical creams for bug bites, sun burns and poison ivy when putting your kit together.

No matter if you are going camping alone, or with a huge group, you need to always bring along an emergency kit. The content of this kit should be personalized to the type of camping you will be doing. Having extras like anti-venom is a good defense for certain kinds of wildlife.

You need to maintain your cleanliness while camping. Good hygiene is difficult when you are camping sometimes, but you can keep yourself clean. A bottle of hand sanitizer is excellent to have so you can clean hands before eating. You can also use rubbing alcohol on areas of your body that are not sensitive. A mild biodegradable soap and a sponge can be used to take mini-baths when water resources are low.

One thing that many people forget to pack on a camping trip, and which quickly turns the trip into a nightmare is bug spray. This simple repellent will save you both annoyance and can protect your health as many types of bugs can do a great deal of damage to you quickly.

If you're going camping with a pet, take them for a vet visit beforehand. Inform your veterinarian of where you plan to go camping. Get your pet updated on all their vaccinations and be sure they have protection against ticks, mites, and fleas. You can never be too careful when it comes to the safety of a pet.

When you are going camping, do your 6m bell tent best to get as early of a start as possible. It will be your job to pitch your tent so you have somewhere to rest comfortably, and that will be much harder for you to do once it starts to get dark outside.

Avoid severe weather when going camping, and pay attention to forecasts. It is horrible trying to pitch a tent in the rain, and not much fun sitting in a tent during a rainstorm. It is equally as disturbing approaching a muddy campsite and trying to make a weekend out of it.

When siting your tent at your campsite, be sure to place a waterproof tarp on the ground before erecting your tent. In this situation, size really does matter. Use a tarp that is about 2 inches smaller than the tent floor, or cut a larger one down if need be. It should never extend beyond the edge of your tent floor. A tarp that is too large can collect water that will be channeled right back into your tent.

If you don't like to drink water, you will be in real trouble on a long camping trip. Water is essential to staying hydrated, so if you really hate the taste, purchase some one-use lemonade and add it to bottles of water. This will keep you hydrated throughout your adventure.

Duct tape can be a camper's very best friend. When disaster strikes on a camping trip, a roll of heavy-duty duct tape will usually save the day. If the tent fabric needs patching in the rain, duct tape will hold back the water. When tent poles need reinforcing, the duct tape will provide support. Do you have holes in your tennis shoes? Duct tape right over it. Whatever the mishap, a roll of duct tape is sure to help!

Leave your camping spot as clean as, or cleaner than you found it. It is important to show respect to the land and to others by cleaning up your camping area. If it was a mess when you got there, you can do a good deed and make it cleaner.

When the camping trip will be longer, pack activities to entertain during downtime. Try to limit the number of electronics you take and instead bring a book, deck of cards and fishing pole to make it easier to enjoy the nature around you.

Whenever you set up your tent, make sure you first check for wasp nests. The last thing you want to do is have your tent set up and be attacked by wasps. If you are stuck out in the wilderness, then being attacked by numerous wasps can even be life-threatening. So, be smart and thoroughly inspect the area for any wasp nests.

By doing some planning and some research, you can take an ordinary camping trip and turn it into something truly special. Take the time to use these tips to plan your next family camping trip and everyone will have a great time. Create the memories that last a lifetime this year!

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